JIRA on EC2 Micro instance with Ubuntu and Postgres
This is the most complete set of steps I've found
Here are some steps that I followed in order to get JIRA up and running on my free-tier EC2 Micro instance. With a $10 JIRA starter license, you can have a really nice issue tracker for minimal costs. The $10 goes to charity.
Also you can try it out for 30 days for free, and Atlassian will extend the trial up to 90 days.
Create the EC2 instance
- Create an account for http://aws.amazon.com/
- Launch AWS Management Console
- Click EC2
- Under "Create Instance", click "Launch Instance"
- Scroll down to Ubuntu Server 13.10 (ami-ad184ac4) and select the 64 bit version
- Follow the rest of the steps to create the instance. Download the private key if you don't already have one. Also you may need to chmod the key:
chmod 0700 ~/Downloads/my-ec2-key.pem
Connect into the machine and set up a password
7. From a terminal, ssh -i ~/Downloads/my-ec2-key.pem ubuntu@ec2-internal-ip-address-domain.compute-1.amazonaws.com
8. Enable password authentication: sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
, change PasswordAuthentication from no
to yes
9. sudo reload ssh
10. Set a password: sudo passwd ubuntu
Download JIRA and install
11. mkdir downloads; cd downloads
12. Download JIRA. Here's the version I used, you probably want the latest: wget http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/downloads/binary/atlassian-jira-6.1.2-x64.bin
12. Make the installer executable chmod u+x atlassian-jira-6.1.2-x64.bin
13. sudo ./atlassian-jira-6.1.2-x64.bin
14. Run through the JIRA setup wizard, default locations are fine
15. curl http://icanhazip.com
to get your external ip
16. curl -v http://<external-ip>:8080
should work at this point
(If not, check your AWS security group in the EC2 management console and allow traffic through port 8080.)
Install and configure Postgres
17. sudo apt-get install postgresql
sudo su - postgres
createuser -P jira
20. Answer no to superuser, yes to be allowed to create databases, no to being able to generate more roles
sudo su - jira
createdb jiradb`
Tweak JIRA
24. cd /opt/atlassian/jira/bin
25. sudo vim setenv.sh
(If running vim
with sudo
won't let you write to the file, you may need to sudo chmod +w setenv.sh
then sudo chmod -w setenv.sh
after step 26.)
26. Modify in the appropriate places to end up with these lines
Create a swap file
27. sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swapfile bs=1M count=2048
28. sudo chmod 600 /var/swapfile
29. sudo mkswap /var/swapfile
30. echo /var/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0 | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
40. sudo swapon -a
At this point you're getting pretty close to something that might work.
My advice is try sudo reboot
and let the whole thing come back up again. Log in using your password you set on ubuntu
. (You should no longer need the -i
flag on the ssh
Once you can ssh back into the system, give that curl -v http://<external ip>:8080
command another try.
If all goes well, fire up your web browser and try setting it up from there. Be aware that the first few loads of these pages may be slower than normal.
Browser config
41. Database config--this should be pretty straightforward, you'll need to use the same username/database name/password as you set up already. Username should be jira, database name should be jiradb, default port 5432 should be fine. (It sets that when you select Postgres). You'll need to set the hostname to localhost
42. Choose the name of your instance. I chose the defaults for most all the other steps in the wizard.
43. Log in with an Atlassian account to create a trial license key. If you don't have an account, you'll need to create one.
44. If you see the System Dashboard page, all is well. You can adjust your time zone.
At this point you should have up and running JIRA on an EC2 micro instance with the latest Ubuntu, backed by Postgres. If not, hit me up in the comments and I'll try to get you straightened out.
Also please let me know if these steps helped you out. I'll be more likely to post this kind of thing in the future.
Finally here are some links I found useful when setting things up:
Manhattan mobile software engineer.